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Use of this service is governed by the terms and conditions contained in the Subscriber Agreement and Terms of Use executed by your firm or organization, including strict compliance and adherence to all Local/ State/ Federal laws - including but not limited to the following responsibilities under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA): a. End user may submit requests for "permissible purposes only", b. End user must acquire written consent from Consumer (candidate) via Disclosure & Authorization "Prior" to requesting report, c. End user agrees to follow Pre-Adverse/ Adverse Action procedures, d. Upon request, End User must supply Consumer with a full copy of their Consumer Report, including Summary of Consumer Rights - " A Summary of Your Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act". e. End User agrees to adhere to strict procedures with regards to acquisition and dissemination of Consumer Reports and Consumer Privacy.
Visit the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau at for guidance and updates to ensure that your company is following and adhering to "current" FCRA guidelines, including ensuring that your company forms (ie. Consumer Disclosure & Authorization Release, Adverse Action Notifications, Summary of Consumer Rights, etc) incorporate all up to date requirements. Sample forms may be found on our website at, under the Reference Center tab, then Forms. Consulting with your company/ organization's legal counsel to ensure full compliance with your duties and responsibilities under the FCRA is highly advised and recommended.
If you are not familiar with these responsibilities or do not agree to these terms, you must discontinue use of this service immediately, and contact your organizations Administrator/ Designated Compliance Officer.